Sunday, September 18, 2011

Road bump...but still chugging along

Well I was hoping that I would be updating this blog with a race report today, but as most people know, I broke my toe last Wednesday (see picture above). Totally SUCKS. Luckily the break isn't terrible, so I'm hoping to be back on my feet in a week or two. It's already feeling much better - I've been keeping it taped and walking around in a super sexy ortho shoe. I'm going to start walking with my coworkers again this week and then depending on how that goes, I may try to run a little on it next weekend.

I've finally started to really notice changes in my appearance and it's nice to have my clothes fit better. I'm down about 25 lbs total since the baby was born, but the inches have really dropped. The first picture above is from early April and the second picture is from this past Monday. Not a flattering outfit, but since it's the same you can kind of see the difference.

The program at work is going great, I'm about halfway to my first $100, and it hasn't even been a month, so I think that's good progress. My coworkers and I have been doing a little 30 minute walk every day, which helps get our step count up - and then my running was really helping. I hate that I'm going to miss out on so many steps this week - hopefully walking will go well and that will help keep the count up.

Eating is good too, I've been able to eat sensibly and still have a treat here and there but keep up the steady loss.

A boring post, but an update nonetheless.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm 'bout to get PAID!

See that picture? That's my new companion, it goes with me everywhere. Our company is sponsoring us with this new program called Virgin HealthMiles - It's this great program where you log activity (more on this in a minute) and earn health miles. As you earn miles, there are reward levels that PAY CASH MONEY. Did you hear that? PAYS CASH MONEY! So not only am I going to continue to get fit, but I'm going to earn a little extra income. The timeline is one full year and within that year there is a potential to earn up to $800. Now, for those that know me - I consider that a challenge and I will do everything I can to earn every penny of that amount. There are some negative nellies around my office that think there is no way to really earn any real cash, but I say BRING IT ON.

So there are few ways to earn miles:

- enter 3 biomeasurements every month: body fat percentage, weight and blood pressure

- wear the GoZone pedometer (which they provide!) to log steps (it connects via USB and automatically uploads your steps

- log in to the website at least 2x a week

- record activity minutes every day for workouts, etc.

- set up challenges between you and your coworkers to get everyone moving

It's been 1 week and I've already got 800 points. If I keep that up, I'll be hitting the first reward zone in about a month and that means $100! Dude. This is pretty much the coolest thing ever.

In other news, running is going awesome (and clocking me a LOT of steps!) and I'm still on track for my race, which is 2 weeks from Saturday. I'm up to 4 miles and it feels so good to be back on the road. Tonight I tackled a big hill that I know is on the race course because I really wanted to see how it would feel and I have to say that it totally kicked my butt. I stayed shuffling though and got up that bad boy. I'm so ready to get a bib back on my shirt. I'm considering doing a small 5K on Monday - the White Rock Racing group usually puts on some smaller races on holidays since everyone is off work anyway. I need to go by Run On! and register for it - it would be nice to get a little 5K under my belt before doing the 10K.

The weight loss is back on track - I went back to WW online and my eating habits are finally feeling more manageable. I'm starting to see some real changes in my body and my clothes are fitting better. I have a long way to go, but I'm definitely feeling healthier.