Monday, April 27, 2009

Catching time to take off again...

Well the plan when I started this blog was to blog more often – at least while I’m in class, which is twice a week. That has not happened, but hopefully has things wind down with school this semester it will get better. So a little catch up since last time:

Boot Camp – I am starting my 4th week of the boot camp that I signed up for and it has totally kicked my butt. I’m loving every minute of it – well except the minutes where I am unable to walk – but the rest of it is awesome. Swinging kettlebells was tough the first two weeks, but when he upped the weight to 35 pounds in week 3, I thought there was no way I would make it. I’ve shown up every time though, and pushed my way through every workout. Phew.

School – Two weeks left!! WOO HOO! Of course those weeks will be full of reading and finals, but whatever. This semester is almost over! This is the most excited I’ve ever been for school to finish and I’m not even graduating. This semester has been KILLER. I’m taking two finance electives in the summer and then fun electives in the fall – which is when I graduate. So it feels like this semester is really the end of it, since it’s my last senior level core classes. YAY! I can’t wait to have some of my time back. Damn.

Well those are the big ticket items to catch up on, really. J and I have a BUSY month coming up, but it’s all really fun stuff. I have 4 races scheduled for May – White Rock N Roll 5 Mile, Hope for Batten 5K, Katy Trail 5K and Muddy Buddy in Austin! Woo hoo! The girls and I leave for Austin on the 16th and then we get muddy on the 17th. If things go according to plan, Jason and I leave for Mexico on the 18th and will be back on the 21st. Pray that we don’t pick up any swine flu while we are down there. ;o) My 30th birthday party is on 23rd, followed by a friend’s 40th on the 24th. My actual birthday is the 26th and J and I will probably go out to dinner that night. My cousin gets married in Glen Rose on June 6th and then J and I go down to San Antonio on June 12th to see Wicked and celebrate our anniversary. PHEW! Did you guys catch all of that? I know that it will be tough to concentrate during that time, but summer school actually starts on May 27th! I’ll try to keep the blog posted on all of the fun times, reviews, etc.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time off...

I have been off of work for five days now and it's been pretty nice. Granted, I spent two days in Austin running a race, which was SO much fun, and I have spent the last two days working on semester projects for school, but it's been awesome to have some down time.

This morning I started what will be a 7 week boot camp at the new Octagon MMA gym in uptown. It will be every Tuesday and Thursday morning until the end of May. It was pretty tough and Im already feeling the effects, but I had a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing some progress by the end of the camp.

I went to school today to meet with an advisor and pick up some books at the library. Since I graduate in December, I wanted to make sure that the fall classes that I register for are in line with my degree plan. She helped me out so much - turns out for my final electives, only one of them has to be advanced AND she suggested an easy course that would satisfy one of the requirements. YAY! We filled out my graduation application and when I left I was SO excited!

Now I'm back home working on my semester projects...again. I can't wait for May to get here.

Back to the daily grind tomorrow.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hmmm...let's see how this goes...

So I am an avid blog reader. There are at least 10 on my saved list that I read fairly regularly - about 5 that I read every day. When I read them I think to myself, "I have a lot to say! Why don't I try this blogging thing?", and then I forget. Truth be told, I'm so busy that it's hard to imagine adding even blogging to my schedule. But I think it will be a good way to decompress at the end of a day (or every other day) AND it will give me one more way to goof off while I'm sitting in class.

For those of you that I never get to speak to anymore, it's also a great way to keep people updated on what's going on in the Campbell household.

So...welcome to my world. And awaaaay we go!